Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Anointing

(By Paul) Hello all.  I wanted the first blog to be a summation and message of what the Lord has been teaching us these last several weeks.  The next morning after Amber and I had discussed the potential of going to Russia to adopt, my daily reading was Isaiah. 61.  The first four verses were a clear word of validation and inspiration to me. Some key thoughts to pass on.  The Lord anointed Isaiah.  This anointing means to be set apart, called, conscecrated.  It was a religous term used for men and objects set aside for the glory of God. Not only was Isaiah burdened and set apart, this conscecration was from the Lord, no small task.  His annointing was to bring something new, something fresh to a captive people who at the time were not captives at all.  This was a prophecy to people who were safe and seemingly secure not knowing they even needed freedom.  His anointing is to bring good news and to proclaim it.  Literally to assert a specific message that will elicit a specific response.  Three times in four verses Isaiah proclaims.  He proclaims liberty, freedom, redemption, and a new name.  He asserts a message that is not random but rather powerfully intentional.  Here is the message to us.  Over the years there has been a hidden but constant undertow of the Lord setting us apart to adopt children.  Sometimes vague and unclear in the begining, but as the years have gone by the Lord has graciously brought more clarity.  In this latest adventure we know the message to us is specific and our actions will be no less intentional.  There are at this moment two orphans half a world away who don't know they need redemption.  In the sovereingty of God they are ours and have been before the world was even created.  We are going to rescue them.  We believe in the faithfullness of God and the everlasting nature of His covenant promises.  These orphans will have new names and it is our belief that they will be planted as it were by the very hand of God himself to be paragons of virtue, standing in the gap rebuilding the "desolations of many generations."  We cherish you girding us up.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Paul and Amber!! We are behind you in prayer!
    Love, Cheri and Bill Raduenz
