Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The People of God

We had our garage sale fundraiser this weekend...we made $7,000....$7,000...on a garage sale! We had a goal of making $5,000 to reach our matching grant. Someone asked me yesterday if I believed before the sale that God could do it. I could honestly answer "yes I did". But it wasn't because I was without faith. I knew God could and would do it if He so desired. I knew He could move a few hearts to give "big" or make if fall from the sky for that matter, but I knew He could do it. How He chose to do it was what was so convicting to me and so very humbling. He chose to use His truck load of donations, one check, one helping hand at a time to pull off something truly remarkable. What I failed to believe was the love and support from my brothers and sisters in Christ (and for that matter from perfect strangers, some of who surely did not know the Lord). God spoke loudly revealing the places my heart was calloused and cynical. The body of Christ came together for two little orphans in a way that I will never forget. From the little girl who came to me to say she asked for nothing for her birthday but money to give for my babies in Russia, to the couple facing their own very difficult times who gave their tax return, God used His people...not just to support us and help redeem these little lives, but to change my heart. Thank you everyone....and thank you Father for your great, great love.


  1. Great is his faithfulness!! He is so good, and his house is so abundant!! As he promised to Abraham, He blesses those who bless us. What an honor for those people to have a part in your amazing journey to "father the fatherless". An amazing couple in our church just adopted a little boy and they named him Asher too....interesting. We will be battling for your sweet anointed family in prayer. :)

    Melissa Van Ranken

  2. As I am sitting here reading your blog....I am filled with a tingling that starts in my toes and travels all over my body. I have come to know this familiar feeling as the spirit. I feel it often in church but, sometimes when I hear a heart warming story or talk with someone about a miracle, I can feel it. I just know that it is God confirming to me that he is present.

    So, thank you for blessing me today with your blog and allowing me to hear your story all these miles away. It filled me with God's presence and made my day!

    My prayers continue being with you on your new adventure in Christ!

    Kris Dahl

  3. That is such a neat testament to God's faithfulness...and He's not finished, yet!

  4. And the blessings and God's work continues...thoroughly enjoyed the article in the local paper today, about your family, your faith and your love. What a great witness to the entire community. I pray that many others will be touched by your testimonies. Janet and Steve
